I. Indexadas en el JCR. 2007.
Anderson J.G., G. Bernadello, M.R. Opel, A. Santos-Guerra and M. Anderson (2006) Reproductive biology of the dioceious Canary Islands endemic Whitania aristata (Solanacae). American Journal of Botany 93(9): 1295-1305.
Anderson J.G., G. Bernadello, L. Bohs, T. Wesse and A. Santos-Guerra (2007) Phylogeny and biogeography of the Canarian Solanum vespertilio and S. lidii (Solanacaeae). Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 63(2): 159-167
Barber J., C.C. Finch, J.F. Francisco-Ortega, A. Santos-Guerra, R. K. Cansen (2007) Hybridization in Macaronesian Sideritis (Lamiaceae): evidence from incongruence of multiple independent nuclear and chloroplast sequence datasets. Taxon 56(1): 74-88.
Carine M.A., l. Robba, R. Little, R. Russel and A. Santos Guerra (2007) Molecular and morphological evidence for hybridization between endemic Canary Island Convolvulus. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 154: 187-204.
Ispizúa V.N., I.R. Guma, S. Feingold and A.M. Clausen (2007) Genetic diversity of potato landraces from northwestern Argentina assessed with simple sequence repeats (SSRs). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 54: 1833-1848
Mort M., D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis, A. Santos-Guerra and J.E. Francisco-Ortega (2007) Physiological evolution and association between physiology and growth form in Aeonium (Crassulaceae). Taxon 56(2): 453-464
Proehns J., G.J. Anderson, F.J. Herraiz, G. Bernadello, A. Santos-Guerra, D. Crawford and F. Nuez (2007) Genetic diversity and conservation of two endangered eggplant relatives (Solanum vespertilio Aiton and Solanum lidii Sunding) endemic to the Canary Islands. Genet Resour Crop Evol. 54: 451- 464.
II. No Indexadas en el JCR. 2007.
Francisco-Ortega J.F., M. Carine, C. Jarvis, A. Santos-Guerra and M. Maunder (2007) Celebrating the 300th Anniversary of Carolus Linnaeus, The Tropical Garden. Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden. Spring 2007: 30-31.
Padrón Mederos M.A., J.A. Reyes-Betancort, R. González González, M.C. León Arencibia and P.L. Pérez de Paz (2007) Adiciones y comentarios a la fl ora vascular de Canarias. Vieraea 35: 43-50
Reyes-Betancort J. A., A. Santos Guerra, M.A. Padrón Mederos, I.R. Guma (2007) Ammodaucus nanocarpus (Beltrán) P. Pérez & Velasco, un nuevo endemismo canario-marroquí. Acta Botanica Malacitana 32: 211-214
Proehns J., F.J. Herraiz, F. Nuez, A. Santos-Guerra, D. Crawford, G.J. Anderson and G. Bernadello (2007) AFLP Diversity among and whitin populations of the insular, endemic and endangered Solanum vespertilio and Solanum lidii. Acta Horticulturae 745: 311-318